Fine Arts Course Catalog 



Music Theatre 1, 2 (1411, 1412)
College Preparatory Course (P). This course provides a guided workshop in which students can practice and polish their musical-theatre audition and performance skills. It requires students to be self-disciplined and able to set and reach individual goals to make the best use of available resources. This course includes the study of the musical theatre form, history and styles, as well as major figures in musical theatre. Instruction comes from a combination of departments, including theatre, music, and dance.

Theatre 1, 2 (1423, 1424)
College Preparatory Course (P). The first year's instruction in theatre is directed primarily toward acquiring performance and language skills through acting, reading, speaking, listening, writing, and body control.

Theatre 3, 4 (1425, 1426)
The second year's instruction in theatre emphasizes the practical application of dramatic theory and relates dramatic expression to cultural development by involving students in a variety of production techniques, including makeup, analysis, and stagecraft. Research and performance of scenes with historical and/or cultural contexts are covered.

Theatre 5, 6 (1427, 1428)
The third year's instruction in theatre is directed primarily toward play production, critical analysis, and original dramatic writing. Coursework provides a realistic balance between concepts and performance.


Beginning Band (5020, 0521)
This course provides instruction in the basic principles of musicianship and standard band literature. Students will learn to play a standard band instrument in an ensemble setting. Expertise and appreciation is gained through performance of a wide variety of musical literature. Instruction of music theory is introduced and reinforced.

Intermediate Band (5320, 5321) College Preparatory Course (P). Band (Senior High)
Intermediate is offered to students who have completed beginning band work or who have had equivalent study and experience. Students will further their expertise on their chosen band instrument in an ensemble setting, learning more complex musical notation, rhythms, and terminology. This course will focus on the core VAPA music standards and will present at least one performance a semester.

Jazz Ensemble (5330, 5331)
College Preparatory Course (P). This course is for a selected instrumentation and/or voices of musically experienced students. It will usually consist of an ensemble appropriate for performing a variety of jazz literature. Students will learn skills and techniques necessary for performing jazz literature. Jazz Ensemble students will present more frequent public performances.